The SQL worked like a charm, thanks. As for the client, I copied my config and my client.php from my other version (your build 2.5.0) and it now works fine.
I'll see what I can do. But now it won't load the hotel. It will load the client, but won't connect to the emu. I switched back to the older version and it loads fine. Odd :down:
Doesn't work. I think it has something to do with the database. I'm using XAMPP by the way. Considering if I change the database it works fine, just not on my normal one.
Hi guys,
I've had my R63 Retro working fine for the past few weeks on localhost. Today I had to restart my router and it gave me a new local IP. Now, the database won't accept the connection to my user.
Client loads, Phoenix says:
Connection [0] from []
Connection Dropped [0] from...
Be easier to just post a screenie anyway. Clear your cache if you haven't. Check your externals, make sure in your config you have the right path to your swfs.