Model–View–Controller (MVC) is a framework that you work around in most languages (PHP, C++, Objective-C, C# etc.) you can do an easy Google search on this. Yes the RevCMS MVC is set up by Kryptos - not sure if entirely, but most of it.
The way RevCMS MVC is not traditional, but there are many...
Since I mostly made the input fields CSS for WebKit (Chrome & Safari) there is some problems on Gecko (Firefox) and especially Presto (IE) I will however fix this later so it will look as good as it does in Chrome & Safari :-)
There is already a growlUI in the blockUI plugin :)
The idea I had for the message boxes coming down is only for OK/Cancel stuff (much like remove a user, unban/ban stuff like that) and the growlUI is really easy and was for things like updating forms and add some stuff
Also I am working on...
Tor is not an illegal browser, but most content is illegal.
On topic:
I like Safari & Chrome. Chrome for web development and JavaScript stuff (V8 is amazing) and Safari because it's actually fits for content.
I suggest you first get some money that you KNOW you can for sure start off with - even if no ones support the next months or so and buy you;
A VPS that is powerful enough to handle Server (emulator), DB & site
A domain
(optional) CloudFlare
because you will never be successful by using free...
Well actually it uses AJAX in some way; It gets what is going to be deleted and will delete it using AJAX (if it should be my case) - this way you don't get clusterfuck of PHP handling the process in the foreground but only in the background.
I don't know how Kryptos does this now, since most...
I do play Diablo 3 and I am not a real MMO/Hack and slash player but I must say that Diablo has this kind of "feeling" to it that make you play it. I am normally all in for FPS and some Indie games but I must say that D3 is really worth it. Should it be played with friends? Yes, if possible for...
Of course it will be completed, but the release is in the approach "When it's done". We can't really come out with a date or anything, but I'm working as hard as I can to get the Housekeeping done.
I don't know how it got leaked either. Unless Bitbucket had a security breach somehow, because it's hosted there as a private repository for me and Kryptos only.
But anyway, I got back from sickness. Still a bit sick sitting with snot overall me body (not literally though). I'm going to see if...
Since every theme got it's own HK and layout, people can choose not to use the default theme and HK - it's their choice if they don't like it. And the HK will be packed with a lot of tools, everything from CMS management, user management, server management and statistics - this HK was originally...
It's Highcharts - which is a jQuery library. We will use data from the database.
The idea is that it checks for each user with same IP address as other users. So it will count 1 clone user if there's two users with the same IP. When you see the clone users list, you will see each cloned users...
Screenshots of the HK here:
I still need to add modular boxes for alerts, warnings, errors and such and then Kryptos will code it into the template. Then I'm gonna work on the front-end CMS template for this HK :-)