No problems for the confusion.
Yes it says its active and these are the details:
Proxy IP + Port
In brainCMS, everything is controlled effectively by the brain-config.php file so here's the code snippets:
Where have you got the information from what the proxy was free? The TCP proxy was purchased from
No, I didn't put it into my client.php file, because that isn't how my CMS works, I updated it in the correct place and checked with developer tools on the client.php page...
So this isn't my code at all, all I've done is took the time to convert 99% of the admin panel in @BrainCMS to English. You may still have to edit files to change my hotel name 'habbro'.
You can see from the screenshots though, its showing as, so I've tried both habboon and habbro in my external flash over rides and it doesn't change anything.
I'm using brainCMS.
It would seem the two lines you're mentioning are these in my client.php?
Client.addVariable("client.reload.url", "<?= $config['hotelUrl'] ?>/me");
Client.addVariable("client.fatal.error.url", "<?= $config['hotelUrl'] ?>/me");
But they're already...
Hi there,
When I shutdown my EMU using the shutdown command, it directs to this page:
However in the client.php file, this is how its configured:
Client.addVariable("client.reload.url", "<?= $config['hotelUrl'] ?>/me")...
So lets say from a security point of view, I don't want my server IP leaking, so other than actually checking that [email protected] does actually exist all I would have to do is (correct me if im wrong).
Create a new php file in my includes folder called emailcheck.php with this script:
If you're using SMTP and a TCP proxy they shouldn't be able to get your IP address. It's still not my point though, I want people to have to actually verify their email address is real before they can play the retro, like normal habbo.
I don't like cpanel, it's bloated and this doesn't solve my original query at all.
When someone registers to my retro, like when you register to a forum, I want an email to be sent to them with a link they have to click to 'verify' their account before they can login.