Is panda boy meant to be an insult? because that was the worst insult I've ever heard. Acting like you're about 6, grow the fuck up, btw are you then Bren that tried DoXing Me before? and gave Me My wrong IP, D.O.B, and location? LOL. Fucking failure.
This is great for noobs I guess:).
Would be a lot easier to just make a footer.php, and put this in it though:
<?php include_once ("forcevote.php");
Then make a file called "forcevote.php" and add this in it:
if(isset($_GET['voted'])) {
else {
$userip =...
I'm good friends with Micheal:P. And that banner doesn't show how many users are online? last I heard i has to be .php :S
$dbhost = 'localhost';
$dbuser = 'root';
$dbpass = 'yourpassword';
$dbname = 'yourdatabase';
$conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die...
I'm habflux owner "Lucas" and our cms isn't ripped. When the hotel was called habshack a few months back, cronichost got a new owner, and we were hosted with cronic. The owner then changed all our vps details, and released our root directory on rz. "habblox" didn't make the theme at all.