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  1. T

    Retro's Illegal?

    This thread is getting repeated over and over post-wise. Thread closed to stop spam
  2. T

    Why is that happen?

    There is another window, MySQL Instance Config. You have to configure MySQL before it will install.
  3. T

    [CSS] Not retrieving the new.

    missing </div> somewhere i expect :P
  4. T

    [Habbo] New Low?

    Just because they have a low count for users online, doesn't mean that they are goign down hill. Recently, they have been having some server issues so that might be why.
  5. T

    Habbo Tank

    Not bad, nice to see this furni returning as a SWF :)
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    Making a BOT give you a drink?

    Solution has been found, thread closed.
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    Shoutbox ban?

    You speak of this "tweeny" guy but i don't know who he is.
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    Shoutbox ban?

    Ha ok. Think what you like.
  9. T

    What's wrong with this PHP code?

    Thread closed upon request
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    Shoutbox ban?

    Creating a thread about a chatbox ban is against the rules. You were arguing and everyone in the chatbox at the time could see as well :)
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    What's wrong with this PHP code?

    You don't need to do mysql_num_rows because you aren't checking how many rows exist.
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    Why are you such a noob?

    Why are you such a noob?
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    Removing Doors?

    No because that is crap. You can just edit the room layouts to remove that 1 square for the door, but you would need to edit the door locations or else you wouldnt be able to get into the room
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    What's wrong with this PHP code?

    This isn't even what he is trying to do..
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    Habbo Dragon Egg

    Include the SWF please
  16. T

    Include screenshots please.
  17. T

    Website on Fixing Hotel Issues...

    Not a section to discuss your ideas for a boring website. Closed.
  18. T

    Hey guys im new and i have a big problem

    Well the emulator has nothing to do with it, what happens if you go to just http://localhost/ ?
  19. T

    Hey guys im new and i have a big problem

    Don't offer help by teamviewer, it is completely pointless because you quite obviously don't know how to do it. The emulator has nothing to do with PHPMyAdmin, I recommend trying another version -
  20. T


    Making more than one thread for the same topic won't get you any help quicker, thread closed.