They are open also im not h\ving black client error anymore my hotel loads fine up to hotel view then stays there for about a minute and then disconnects
Does anyone know how to fix a black client please?
My firewall is off.
Emu is on although no connections come up
Swfs configured correctly with the site url in as people usually say this is the issue to this common cause.
I have the swfs by Jess from rz from the catalogue she made...
ignore the top warning it has worked as you can se eits came up green with a tik and that means the current query was able to processed and changed so it worked basically
Name Katrina
Age 16
Location England
Timezone Dublin GMT
Past experience? Owned Labbo and Hebbo and been staff admin on pixel hotel, i know how to edit php coding. Im on alot therefor im here to dedicate my time to help edit the catalogue i have alot of files left over from my own hotel that i...
Hello Guys
Doed anyone kmow the query to make everyone vip including the new users that register so i dont have to scroll along the user databse where it says vip and put 1 all the time
Thanks so much love the banner if i save this file as a gif or png will the animation still work as going to upload to tinypic so i can add it to the *****
1) Hotel Name Hebbo
2) Ranks? If so, which ones? no
3) Preferred Colors? surprise me
4)Additional information not staff badges but badges for users not sure what surprise me :)