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  1. zMagenta

    post your speed test

    Oh yah.
  2. zMagenta

    Google Project Loon

    So it'd be like a router in the sky? It seems good, would the speeds changing dramatically because of the location of the loon? Can't wait to see the final result.
  3. zMagenta

    r63 Client Problem

    Any connections showing at the emulator? Also, if you're on a Windows VPS, the firewall will block connections so turn off windows firewall.
  4. zMagenta

    Client stays black page

    Easy fix. Find this in your client.php /Habbam.swf change to /Habbo.swf
  5. zMagenta

    Applicant Looking for a job!

    Looks good - how do you intend to get users?
  6. zMagenta

    Xbox One VS PS4

    Xbox One has been released of a price so far of $499. PS4 is rumoured to be around £200-£250 mark. Plus, Microsoft released that you'd pay a fee if you wanted to play a pre-owned game. (I assume it'll be something like 25% of the RRP). Couldn't possibly choose until E3.
  7. zMagenta

    Retro Habbo Retros taking over Habbo.COM?

    With this. People buy Minecraft, for £20+, so Minecraft gained, not lost anything. If Habbo charged some kind of license, these licenses would get hacked, copied, generated and so on, so Habbo would lose a lot, and I mean A LOT of money. Habbo are hitting down hard now.
  8. zMagenta

    PC Most Addicting Game.. ever.

    After 45 minutes, I have completed it. Fuck, what a waste of my life. Before you posted, gg.
  9. zMagenta

    PC Most Addicting Game.. ever. Amazing game, love it. See if you get hooked. ;)
  10. zMagenta


    Looks very similar to the one that uberHotel created for Bobba..
  11. zMagenta

    Service Habbo 2013 Text Service

    zMagenta ;)
  12. zMagenta

    Hotel Name ideas?

    I thought the point of owning a hotel for one would be unique? Getting someone to name your hotel is just mad.
  13. zMagenta

    Show DevBest [Rel] MyBB Simple Theme Edit

    It's actually quite nice, Reece. I agree with the title though 'MyBB Simple..' - could be improved in areas though. More to come, I hope..
  14. zMagenta

    IP Address Stolen

    As a own a hotel, with quite alot of protection, you need a few things for sure: CloudFlare This stops people from cmd ping as its called, as it'll come up with Cloudflare's IP. TCP Proxy This stops people from getting your client IP via the 'viewsource' of your client - this is a must...
  15. zMagenta

    Custom RevCMS Theme

    The download link, as I posted before.
  16. zMagenta

    BcStorm: Fixes (AdBlock fix!)

    Nope, playHotel use my fix and it works for them, proof below.
  17. zMagenta

    BcStorm: Fixes (AdBlock fix!)

    banner.png fixed it for me - make sure you've cleared the cache? And no problem, you did write the fix, only fair to credit you.
  18. zMagenta

    XenForo 1.2

    Just to clear this up. ^ -- Loving the updates though!
  19. zMagenta

    Bcstorm - Trade?

    What's your hotel link? I'll check it out. PM me/post here.
  20. zMagenta

    [HELP] Making a Hidden Rank?

    What Emulator?