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  1. Youngster

    Request Habbo.SWF Logo (Asap)

    That's what I get when I try and edit it.
  2. Youngster

    Request Habbo.SWF Logo (Asap)

    Hey Devbest!, I've tried editing my Habbo.swf but it won't let me change the logo due to SWF corrupted. But I've seen people change theirs still but how? Is there anyway that can fix it? so I can change it of that can change the logo for me. SWF Verison: RELEASE63-201411201226-580134750 SWF...
  3. Youngster

    (Help) Habbo.SWF Logo Error (Asap)

    Hey Devbest!, I've tried editing my Habbo.swf but it won't let me change the logo due to SWF corrupted. But I've seen people change theirs still but how? Is there anyway that can fix it? so I can change it of that can change the logo for me. SWF Verison: RELEASE63-201411201226-580134750 SWF...
  4. Youngster

    I Need A banner

    Are you still looking for a banner if so I can make you a animated one etc...
  5. Youngster

    [Release] Revcms RP edition

    This is a ok release I don't see anything really custom all I see is released stuff in a regular cms just somethings renamed to Roleplay things like the box on the me page how it says deaths and etc... that was on the visions cms release not saying it's bad or anything but I think when someone...
  6. Youngster

    [TUT]How to make your own Habbo Retro Badge[R63]

    Great Tut I feel like you spent a lot of time planing this video out and that's a good thing to do thanks for helping people around the community that don't know how to do the things you have shown them how to do now!. People like you that spend time to make youtube videos I have a huge respect...
  7. Youngster


    Nice release!
  8. Youngster

    Cabbos CMS

    I would say this is one of the most nicest releases I've seen in a long time! Downside is a lot of people are going to over use this CMS,Theme now so it will be ruin and just a normal theme that was played out. Just saying my opinion but thank you for sharing!
  9. Youngster

    Winning a fight is one thing but winning a war is another.

    Winning a fight is one thing but winning a war is another.
  10. Youngster

    Badge Release

    Nice job!
  11. Youngster

    [DELETED][Prj Foton Mini] Reality Edit CMS , Emulator & Database

    I've heard loads of things about this CMS & EMU but I'll still take a look at it thanks for sharing!
  12. Youngster

    [Release] Nuovo Staff Badge Set by Twitter

    I really like what you've done here with the badges neat idea!
  13. Youngster


    I think you should release this because it could help some people make a decent hotel.
  14. Youngster

    [REQUEST] English Working R63B Emulator with DB + SWFS

    Happy someone helped you!
  15. Youngster

    [REL] less Index

    It's a good idea, I find it doll and boring not really much on it that makes me interested.
  16. Youngster

    [REL] New Index [REL]

    I've seen this before on a different language hotel.
  17. Youngster

    [Release] 500 Effects

    Thanks for sharing this I was looking for this for a bit of time now!
  18. Youngster

    [Rel] Skywave Emulator 4.0

    Thank you for sharing! I won't be using it since it doesn't have the full source.
  19. Youngster

    Thoughts on Habbo for iPad?

    I find Habbo making it so you can play on IPad pointless when I think about it because if I cared to play habbo from a mobile devices I would download Puffin internet app. I think it was just a attempt to get more users obviously.