Search results

  1. Airz

    Use Quacksters phoenix license modifier.

    Use Quacksters phoenix license modifier.
  2. Airz

    Service Retro Banners & Logos!

    Thankyou very much sir! I forgot to ask, if you could try an animated version with the logo in the top left with underneath it 'Spend your summer with us!' with the 'Spend your summer with us!' animated and the logo not animated? Much appreciated!
  3. Airz

    Service Retro Banners & Logos!

    Hey nice service! Currently, I'll be opening soon so I don't have a logo! (Sorry) The name of the hotel is Habzilla or HZ May I have something made for summer, like nice and summer'y Text; HZ r63 | 99.9% uptime | dedicated hosting | custom emu! edit; not sure what will look better...
  4. Airz

    IlluminaCMS client issue/Hk issue.

    Look at lightcms.php scroll down to the search the pin 1,2,3,4 then above it you'll see the pin code saying true, change that to false, save and done.
  5. Airz


    Habbx is a brand new R63B Habbo Retro owned by two very experienced owners Airz and Cody who both owned, and also (Two retros that hit number one back in the day). We're looking for some more experience and quality to add to the team! Hey, I'm...
  6. Airz

    Request NEW Thehabbo's Banner!

    Both very nice! Might end up using one, thanks!
  7. Airz

    Request NEW Thehabbo's Banner!

    I'm requesting a new banner for thehabbos I'd like it to be different and unique and it must contain Habbx on it If anyone can come up with a design that no one else has ever had then i'll be impressed REWARD: In return I'll give the one we use FREE VIP+ on Habbx Thanks!
  8. Airz

    [CMS] MybestCMS V1.0 [CMS]

    If you add pictures, you'll get more feedback and downloads. No one will download something not knowing what it is
  9. Airz

    Anyone need a Mod/Admin?

    Your signature is nice, if you made it feel free to apply for graphics artist on my hotel. I'm in need of one, just show some work :)
  10. Airz

    Recruiting GFX Designer [BOBBA.IN]

    Hello there! I have been looking for a promising graphics designer for Bobba, the majority of people say they can do graphics can do it, but not very good unfortunately. So here I am recruiting a graphics designer for Jobs that'll need doing - CMS Graphics - Logos -...
  11. Airz

    DevBest -> ReverseBox?

    It's the same concept just as Dwight was talking about Facebook, Facebook isn't exactly a forums, we're just talking about the same concept.
  12. Airz

    DevBest -> ReverseBox?

    It wouldn't because the exact same users from DevBest will know about it therefore it'll be just as well known. That's basically saying when 'Force hotel' changed the 'Xen Hotel' that Xen failed because it didn't get any users..
  13. Airz

    DevBest -> ReverseBox?

    The name doesn't really matter, how does Subway tell you it sells food? It doesn't if someone heard the name Subway they'd instantly think 'Wtf trains?' but until the company is well known then people get used to it and it can give a boost to a company. As for here, people from DevBest will...
  14. Airz

    DevBest -> ReverseBox?

    Reversebox is a good name imo. I know what Dwight is trying to do, he's saying we're too habbo based at the moment and is wanting to experiment with a wider option which would include a wider audience that the forum will be aimed for. It won't be specifically habbo related as much however, the...
  15. Airz

    Service Badge, Logo Making Service!

    I love the ourhabbo one!
  16. Airz

    Service Badge, Logo Making Service!

    [Logo] Bobba (Bobba,in) Redish? (Something that'll go with the CMS)
  17. Airz

    Professional forum logo

  18. Airz

    Request Professional custom logo [Bobba]

    Nice logo, might use it for a change! Thanks :)
  19. Airz

    Looking for a coder

    This should of been posted here: :)
  20. Airz

    Is tomorrow Easter Monday?

    Bank holiday monday I think its 100% a bank holiday XD