Sorry, I'm from Brazil ... Anyway, when the avatar moves from some lags, the machine is all ok, cpu, ram etc ... What could these little lags be? I've been looking here in Room.cs has a room cicly deal, I've changed some numbers and the avatar started walking faster, does this have to do with...
Thanks to everyone, I have a question, I am using R1 plus when I walk through the hotel a few "slips" the machine is 8 ram and 300 hd, why does this happen?
This only happens when I use the Habkit program, it generates a new Habbo.swf it only loads up to 37% and disconnects, but do you know any method for reactivating badges descriptions, mobis ... in Habbo.swf?
My production is 2017 and as everyone knows Habbo has removed the description of mobis, badges, groups ... I wonder how I can reactivate them? I tried to use Habkit, but when using the Habbo.swf generated by it the client arrives 32% and disconnects. Anybody know?
When I remove mobis with pickall the avatar looks like the mobis is still there. Removing manually does not happen, just using the pickall command, can anyone help me solve this?
------------->: pickall
Thank you! Entering into another question seeing that you understand; When I put a BOT in the room and turn it on, when I reload the room or reenter the rotation does not save, I know this because at the base date is always with rotation 0, how can I change it? For the BOT to save the rotation...
Hi, I'm not sure if you noticed any more when we are away on the client and click on our avatar it does not leave the absent, I've been looking in the emulator this would have something to do with UnIdle (); How do you arrange this?