I've always liked Butterfly, I've never had bad experiences with it, there are excellent emulators today, but I remember that Butterfly used to have more than 4000 connected users and today there are some emulators that can barely support 400 ... And you agree that Butterfly was the the most...
Of course, I think the problem is in MYSQL configurations I might as well "get some taks and that's it", but I know this is not a correct solution: c, but thanks for your idea!
I would have to reset all items in my hotel. In addition, I would have to change the entire structure of items in the emulator, which would be very laborious, even because no emulator uses this method.
How can I do this? My Mysql Configuration:
datadir=C:/Program Files/MariaDB 10.1/data
plugin-dir=C:/Program Files/MariaDB 10.1/lib/plugin