Search results

  1. Hender

    Recruiting Habflux - Moderators and Administrators.

    Hello! What exactly is wrong? I'll have a look now!
  2. Hender

    Recruiting Habflux - Moderators and Administrators.

    I would like to announce that HabFlux is hiring Moderators and Admins. Requirements: You must be able to be active and be on at-least every other day, if not everyday. You must be mature and act professional, its not just a Badge, people look up-to you. You must fill out an application form on...
  3. Hender


  4. Hender

    Recruiting Developers

    Hello, I am still looking for developers and administrators. Please get in contact, thanks Hender.
  5. Hender

    i havent been well recently, illl come on and check, there seems to be people online now.

    i havent been well recently, illl come on and check, there seems to be people online now.
  6. Hender

    Recruiting Developers

    Updated Thread.
  7. Hender

    Request for Habboons staff page

    lmao use google then lmao or use the search function on the forums lmao or go the CMS release sections That's if you're not dumb like.
  8. Hender

    Request for Habboons staff page

    Its the default Habbo Theme staff page. *****.com I just told you its ripped. Go get it.
  9. Hender

    Request for Habboons staff page

    Go to Retro Ripper, find a habbo theme and copy and paste one of their staff pages. Habboons Staff page is pretty OC, a lot of habbo themes used to have them like that. If you dont know how to do this, then maybe you shouldn't run a hotel.
  10. Hender

    Request for Habboons staff page

    Is this a joke?
  11. Hender

    Fallout 4 Automatron

    That's awesome! My friend has Fallout 4, I don't have Next gen, I just re-done New Vegas, I loved that game. Can't wait to get it though.
  12. Hender

    Recruiting Developers

    Show me what you can bring to the table :) Pm me for skype.
  13. Hender

    What kinda VPS should I buy?

    PortHosts, OVH, Host1Plus < Extremely cheap.
  14. Hender

    GTA V GTA V Multiplayer Mod

    Its a private server. Plus GTAV PC supports modding.
  15. Hender

    What kinda VPS should I buy?

    You can run .exe files. I don't know if the emulator would actually work. Its just more convenient on a windows server.
  16. Hender

    What kinda VPS should I buy?

    Can you not use Wine to run an .exe on linux? Maybe an Emulator would work.
  17. Hender

    News images & HK looks messy

    Oh i thought the news was inside inside the "whats going on" tag, my bad.
  18. Hender

    News images & HK looks messy

    You need to fix your div tags on your /me page. HK probably isn't linked correctly to your CSS.
  19. Hender

    [Help] R63B Client loads 76%. PlusEMU [Help]

    Linked correctly in your client.php? maybe your management/config?
  20. Hender

    [Help] R63B Client loads 76%. PlusEMU [Help]

    Furnidata and figuredata must be linked incorrectly.