Hello DevBest!
I am looking for someone willing to help me setup my retro, I would like it to have a RevCMS, Phoenix Emulator and be R63. I will offer you a reasonable rank (ie. Tech, owner) and offer £5-7 if you do a great job. All help would be appreciated.
Hi, It most probablly is being DDoS'd then. consider buying a domain and getting cloudfare, would help alot :) for now try and get a free domain until you can afford a paid one.
Hi all,
I have a VPS andd would like to make a nice habbo retro, but due to my lack of expericance can't get all the features, could anyone setup my retro for me with any Emulator or CMS of your choice, once done if you like you could become a staff member on my hotel. All help would be...
Hello there!,
I have recently made a hotel, It has an Uber CMS & runs on a phoenix emulator, housekeeping doesnt seem to be on there? Does anyone have the code for it and download link?