Pinky, I'd consider closing your hotel, no offense to you, you seem like a nice girl, but you post about 5 times a day asking for help about everything, If i was you i'd either just hire a good tech who can fix all these issues or consider closing and saving your money, because theres only more...
Hey guys,
I am currently on RevCMS. setup it all, all well and good. Just have no idea where you edit the user of the week. Have legit looked everywhere & cannot seem to find it, if anyone could tell me where to edit it would be appreciated.
Many thanks..
Hey all;
so I recently got Illumnia CMS, and tried logging into hk, and I get the same error each time,
I have logged out, logged back in, each time says the same thing, any ideas on why this is?
Im just looking for someone who can do a little bit of maintenance work on my hotel, fixing a few things, which ill get more into detail in pm about, if you would like to.
I will be paying about $4-5
Yeah, I have done all of this, Im just so confused, I tried another swf and does it exactly thr same, anyone willing to come on a and take a little look, would be much appreciated.
Hey, I believe I should get one due to the fact I have been around in this communuty for quite a while now, had a little break for about 3months while I was in the alps, but now I am back. Assisting fellow DevBesters & trying my upmost hardest to make everyone happy. Myself and you have never...
Alright so basically; I edited all this: , it was my Hotels IP there before the etc etc, once I had changed it, no SWFS loaded. @Khalil