<script src="http://localhost/web-gallery/static/js/lightweightmepage.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Add that in me.php
Steal it from my site.. http://zonehotel.org/web-gallery/static/js/lightweightmepage.js
We Need You!
Events Manager Needed!
The title say it all we are looking for someone who can keep events running throughout the hotel everyday. We say everyday because we want to have regularly scheduled events that give out huge prizes to our users. We need our hotel to always be active even...
Why does he have to add you instead of showing him here? So if another user wants to know it will be here and when you tell people to add you on skype kinda sketchy might ask them for money ( not saying you will but ya know )
I use to do this with mus commands back on phoenix!
I'm not sure of them on plus yet I really haven't thought about it...
Use to do it like this.. Note this is for users who brought VIP from my websites shop but you get what I mean.. Mus commands are way easier than making user reload every...
Exactly, Everyone is using the same emulator now a days so the only real way to enjoy the hotel is to actually get on a play it.
Tbh, Habboon is the same as another hotel the reason they are so big is because of the management team and events and because they don't crash every 5 minutes!
" Then you have Habbi which incorporated the newest swf with a very nice style client that includes a radio, with a working camera system. "
A lot of hotels now have this habbi I wouldn't consider it big but they are well organized. The Habbo scene needs something different I see all these...
I've been testing it for last 2 days seems good.. I'm trying to figure out the weapon shop how do I purchase a gun?
I see :buyvest, :buybullets but no buy weapon etc is there a command for it or how does it go?