Then, yeah it's already in there. Try running your emu, connection to the hotel then see if it let's you or another error, if another error then post it.
Did you even run
ALTER TABLE `users` ADD COLUMN `hide_room` enum('0','1') NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
Then delete the exception, because that's the same error
run this in your db:
ALTER TABLE `users` ADD COLUMN `hide_inroom` enum('0','1') NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
delete the exception page, if you get another error then post it.
You to ate some frootloops last night?
I wanna know how did you get addicted to looking at ponies, and them sing all day. It's like a kid's cartoon all over again.
Open navicat, right click users table, click design table, find the rank, change it from 1 to 2.
To set all current users rank 2 run this:
UPDATE users SET rank = 2;
All your staff members will also become rank 2, you have to give them their rank back.
That's a problem with everyone.. Other hotels that let users do it set their user ranks to the rank number 2, and their default user is rank 2. Rank 1 can't do it, it's a phoenix problem.