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  1. Yadz

    REQUEST Habbo SWF september 2013

    Wrong section buddy. However, try to google it.
  2. Yadz

    [HELP] R63B Client Constant Loading [HELP]

    Change every to urLink.prefix/game both in external variables and external override variables.
  3. Yadz

    PlusEMU Catalogue Crashes When Click

    Two things I can think of: Disable myslq strict mode by running this query: SET@@global.sql_mode=''; or it might be that your systems default decimal character isn't set to a dot instead of a comma. But I'd guess that its caused by mysql strict mode.
  4. Yadz

    Removing HC Club Widget and adding Diamonds

    Try to set seasonalcurrencyindicator.enabled to true. Not sure if this is for diamonds or GOTW points, eitherway, don't forget to clear your cache afterwards.
  5. Yadz

    [HELP] R63B Client Constant Loading [HELP]

    If you're using boons Plus edit then make sure to edit override external vars.
  6. Yadz

    RP Commands Help

    Like Berk said, debug is needed in order for the changes to take effect, otherwise nothing will happen.
  7. Yadz

    Yes, but how do you expect me to do it? Open a thread or something.

    Yes, but how do you expect me to do it? Open a thread or something.
  8. Yadz

    Sledmore's Boon Plus Edit [Data truncated for column 'is_rare' at row 1 ] Error

    Disable mysql strict mode by running this query: SET@@global.sql_mode=''; Then update the db again.
  9. Yadz


  10. Yadz

    [SOLVED] Retro setup on VPS help

    What does not work? You will need to be more specific.
  11. Yadz

    [URGENT] My users is getting 100 coins every now and then? [URGENT]

    They recieve 100 coins every 15 minutes. You can probably disable this in your database (server_settings table maybe). If you cannot find it in your database, then it needs to be disabled in your emulator source.
  12. Yadz

    RevCMS - Online Players Bug

    The mysql query might be wrong, post it here and I'll check it for you.
  13. Yadz

    Plus Emulator Group badges not working.

    Any errors on chrome dev tools? Show me a screenshot of habbo-imaging folder please? Also idk if it has anything to do with this, but try to add habbo-imaging to wwwroot too.
  14. Yadz

    Laser Gate Bug Please Help

    Very helpful. You can change this in furniture table in your database, find the item and set can_sit to 0 (this should do the trick if I remember right).
  15. Yadz

    Latest Plus Emu Swfs

    Just download the one in Sledmores PlusEMU thread.
  16. Yadz

    No Images - Plus Emulator

    Its SWF releated. Open up chrome dev tools and see if you get any errors (missing files).
  17. Yadz

    PlusEmu - does not accept Proxy ?

    Open the port and do not put proxy ip in emulator config.
  18. Yadz

    Plus Emulator Group badges not working.

    Just change badge-fill to habbo-imaging. And if you're using xampp, don't forget to add the rewrite rule for habbo-imaging folder.
  19. Yadz

    Client Loads to 76% then Redirects to Base URL

    Double check your SWF links, make sure to edit external variables and external override variables and check if the account_created column is a number and not a date.
  20. Yadz

    PlusEMU - Emulator IP/client

    PM me your skype. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk