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  1. iNerdy

    [HELP] Xampp

    Its for all windows versions and its netstat not nestat
  2. iNerdy

    [HELP] Xampp

    It could be possibly, try going to the start menu then run or cmd and type in netstat and it will show all the ports being used.
  3. iNerdy

    [HELP] Xampp

    You may not need to uninstall Xampp just make sure no programs are running in the background
  4. iNerdy

    [HELP] Xampp

    I'd still check to see if the port is in use. Also have you tried going into the Xamp directory and starting xamp with the console and checking to see if it is displaying any errors?
  5. iNerdy

    [HELP] Xampp

    CHeck your ports another program might be using the same port as apache thus caausing apache to not start.
  6. iNerdy

    Your Sister and your mom

    Your Sister and your mom
  7. iNerdy

    [REL] AntiSulake PHP Class (For All CMS)

    Than I suppose this is just another way to slow them down and piss them off at the same time xD
  8. iNerdy

    [REL] AntiSulake PHP Class (For All CMS)

    I think some of us would rather avoid getting sued.
  9. iNerdy

    [REL] AntiSulake PHP Class (For All CMS)

    I highly doubt when they get off work they are thinking about tracking down retros xD. If they do than they have nothing better to do,
  10. iNerdy

    Your mOm

    Your mOm
  11. iNerdy

    Something new..

    I have to agree with MubarikHZH, I really don't see how this will make habbo any better. As for the new look it looks nice.....
  12. iNerdy

    SWTOR Credits guide - desire to generate Credits But never Like Grinding

    Seems like an advertisement to me since there are about 3 links that lead to sites where you can buy credits at.
  13. iNerdy

    Habbo Ad Sections

    Everytime I look at the Habbo Advertisments section everything seems messy. I was thinking and this is a suggestion to make it look more organized is to have different sections depending on the version of the server/hotel. EX: V26Rp, R63, V18) something along those lines. I just think it would...
  14. iNerdy

    Umad Bro?

    So mad right now!
  15. iNerdy

    Good VPS? Very reliable and great customer service. Below is a screenshot of their vps specs and prices. I currently have 2 dedicated servers with them but the dedicated servers aren't cheap but as for the vps those are pretty cheap. For running a small hotel then these vps specs...
  16. iNerdy

    Nabbo Easter Lounge

    Where else would I put it at? Xephos People tend to like simple things :)
  17. iNerdy

    [Nabbo] Custom room layouts

    No I actually made them myself tbh. Please stop assuming what work we do on Nabbo is half-assed because it simply is not. These layouts were just test layouts but are still being used on the server. As I said in my previous topic my players seem to like them so I see no reason to remove them...
  18. iNerdy

    Windows 8 |Consumers Preview.

    Looks sexy :P
  19. iNerdy

    Nabbo Easter Lounge

    Just like to give what players I have something nice to look foward to that's all. :P
  20. iNerdy

    Nabbo Easter Lounge

    Right click my sig and view the easy.