Search results

  1. M

    Debug Problem

    Because you are editing the wrong file
  2. M

    IF Statements shortened

    just do bool ConD = (Booleans) then do if(ConD)
  3. M

    Debug Problem

    Its CommandManager you edit...
  4. M

    [HELP] PlusEMU Client Stops at 76%

    any unhandled packets? Screenshot a login
  5. M

    Habbo client wont load!

    Show client.php not api.php
  6. M

    Debug Problem

    Please explain in more detail. What Emulator?
  7. M

    [HELP] PlusEMU Client Stops at 76%

    You either don't have matching packet ids or you have a missing packet id
  8. M

    [HELP] PlusEMU Client Stops at 76%

    did you update ClientPacketHeader/ServerPacketHeader
  9. M

    [HELP] Error after updating my RSAKeys

    you have a duplicate packet id or something
  10. M

    PlusEMU Support thread.

    Download Visual Studio, open the project file
  11. M

    How do I update my SWF Build?

    How does it not? You update your emulator and client...
  12. M

    Client load remains at 100%

    check dev console
  13. M

    My client stops at 76% r63b

    ok add me on Skype mcmatters123
  14. M

    My client stops at 76% r63b

    Do your SWF Revisions match?
  15. M

    My client stops at 76% r63b

    screenshot your emulator starting up
  16. M

    How do I update my SWF Build?

    Download the updated SWFS then download the updated emulator from ***** plus emu section
  17. M

    REVCMS News Images Not Working!

    Send your table layout
  18. M

    Urgent (Avatar, Rooms, Clothing

    why can't you post your externals? Anyways, thats figure map or figure data not loading. Check again.
  19. M

    Double Furniture Issue

    What SWF revision you using? What emulator? Where'd you get it from? Try turning off emulator then truncating the items database. It could be AUTO_INCREMENT not set properly or your emulator isn't coded right.
  20. M

    My client stops at 76% r63b

    "" : "MYIP", "" : "30001", are those proper