If I were to win the VPS, I would create a Habbo hotel retro that would become part of the JamNetwork, a network of sites that would run a forums, radio, Habbo Retro and a Minecraft server. I have already created a Forums, Shoutcast, and Minecraft Server. I just need the retro. If you would be...
Try Running Xammp.
Go to Your Xammp installation Directory and find xammp_start.exe. Run the Executable file.
Also Check to see what parts Apache is running on. Or try http://localhost:80 .
I am just not as good with the OOP method, so I will be adding MySQLi Support to my second version of CreepCMS ;D. (First is in Middle stages of Development.)
If They Cleared their Cookies, they would be able to log in again.
Hook into the already existing ban system, and have it issue a ban for 15 minutes, that way, it properly logs everything without you having to muck around too much.
Yes, and for the simple fact that a big portion of the world is in troubling times. The US is just getting out of the river, when Europe just fell in. Europe has almost no where to go: Africa, Americas, or Asia. However, the ones in the best positions (Russia, China) will probably offer little...
I Personally chose both Windows and Linux. I use Linux for certain things like hosting and experimenting (why not?). I like Windows for all of my everyday use things: programming, gaming, web browsing, and all my other needs. If I were to need professional video/audio editing I would purchase a Mac.
I didn't think so either, just figured I'd share this bit of information.
I figured this a while ago also, it was only a matter of time before it went public. I knew this because all of the pre-releases came from Jeb.