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  1. Jo$h

    Win a Virtual Private Server!

    If I were to win the VPS, I would create a Habbo hotel retro that would become part of the JamNetwork, a network of sites that would run a forums, radio, Habbo Retro and a Minecraft server. I have already created a Forums, Shoutcast, and Minecraft Server. I just need the retro. If you would be...
  2. Jo$h

    Your best moments of 2011?

    The Best time this year is when I purchased the laptop I am currently using. I love it so.
  3. Jo$h


    No, You Don't You need to edit the $password variable to your MySQL password.
  4. Jo$h

    Xmas 2011 Furni

    Nice Release, Glad to see Habbo Still Releases the Holiday Furnis ;D
  5. Jo$h

    Beware of the Name Hackers.

    Beware of the Name Hackers.
  6. Jo$h

    What charity should we give to?

    I think it's unanimous that we should donate to a charity that helps underprivileged children.
  7. Jo$h

    What charity should we give to? Why Not Kiwanis? Every Kiwanis club I've seen has something for the children around Christmas.
  8. Jo$h

    retro help

    Try Running Xammp. Go to Your Xammp installation Directory and find xammp_start.exe. Run the Executable file. Also Check to see what parts Apache is running on. Or try http://localhost:80 .
  9. Jo$h

    Canny not wait

    We're ALL excited.
  10. Jo$h

    What are you listening to now?
  11. Jo$h

    What are you scared of?

  12. Jo$h

    [PHP] How to use MySQLi

    I am just not as good with the OOP method, so I will be adding MySQLi Support to my second version of CreepCMS ;D. (First is in Middle stages of Development.)
  13. Jo$h

    [HELP] Habbo Generator [HELP]

    Its No Problem, I used to use that all the time.
  14. Jo$h

    [HELP] Habbo Generator [HELP] then at the top click the box that looks like this:
  15. Jo$h

    [1.0.0] [Re-release] A Christmas Carol [Texture]

    I Love the Pack, I am using it now. You Also Might want to include that this requires MCPatcher.
  16. Jo$h


    If They Cleared their Cookies, they would be able to log in again. Hook into the already existing ban system, and have it issue a ban for 15 minutes, that way, it properly logs everything without you having to muck around too much.
  17. Jo$h

    [PHP] How to use MySQLi

    Is MySQLi available for the procedural method, or must you use OOP?
  18. Jo$h

    World War III, Will it happen?

    Yes, and for the simple fact that a big portion of the world is in troubling times. The US is just getting out of the river, when Europe just fell in. Europe has almost no where to go: Africa, Americas, or Asia. However, the ones in the best positions (Russia, China) will probably offer little...
  19. Jo$h

    [POLL] What is your favorite platform?

    I Personally chose both Windows and Linux. I use Linux for certain things like hosting and experimenting (why not?). I like Windows for all of my everyday use things: programming, gaming, web browsing, and all my other needs. If I were to need professional video/audio editing I would purchase a Mac.
  20. Jo$h

    Jeb Takes the Minecraft Reigns

    I didn't think so either, just figured I'd share this bit of information. I figured this a while ago also, it was only a matter of time before it went public. I knew this because all of the pre-releases came from Jeb.