This was released by maartenvn on another Forum, no credit goes to me.
BcStorm SQL
INSERT INTO `catalog_items_copy` (`id`, `page_id`, `item_ids`, `catalog_name`, `cost_credits`, `cost_pixels`, `amount`, `cost_crystal`, `cost_oude_belcredits`, `song_id`, `limited_stack`...
Not even 100% sure this is UberCMS, I just really liked the index and edited it a little bit for the hotel I'm staff on. Anything I could improve on?
This picture might look blurry, but it's just the size of the picture that doesn't fit.
Basically, whenever I put in a photo that I've made in paint/photoshop and put it into iMovie, it shows like this:
This is how it looks like in full screen playback:
Does anyone know how to make it so that it just shows as a 510x100 banner instead of it looking zoomed in like that...