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  1. Ultra

    GTA V New Update has a bug?

    So I got the new update, but when I go on story mode, I can't switch characters or do the mission. When I press the down button, nothing happens. Has this happened to anyone else?
  2. Ultra

    Feedback Banners

    I wouldn't use that generator unless you're gonna edit the logos yourself. Use a generator like the one Habbox has. To make it transparent, I think you have to choose the colour black, and find Opacity somewhere on the tool bar. Opacity at 70 is a good number. The 1-3px white stroke means...
  3. Ultra

    [TUT] How to make Professional Banners with Paint(brush)!

    Thanks for the positive comments guys :)
  4. Ultra

    Feedback Banners

    Couple of tips. Use the right size in volter goldfish (size 9) Use 70% opacity black for the bar on the bottom where you put the small text. Don't resize the images as it makes them blurry. Use a proper font generator for the logos. Other than that, they look nice.
  5. Ultra

    Service Free banners & facebook profile pictures

    I agree with Harith, these are very nice.
  6. Ultra

    [UNCODED] Sleek Red Index [UNCODED]

  7. Ultra

    How dirty is your mind?

    That's a surprise :cool::cool::cool:
  8. Ultra

    How dirty is your mind?

  9. Ultra

    [Service] GTA V Text

    Text: Ultra
  10. Ultra

    [RevCMS] TameHotel Theme

    You should code my index :cool:
  11. Ultra

    Service Banner Service

    Use the font "Volter Goldfish" or "Visitor" for the bottom text.
  12. Ultra

    Exophyte logo

    Font is LHF Avalanche.
  13. Ultra

    [UNCODED] Sleek Red Index [UNCODED]

    Thanks guys.
  14. Ultra

    Exophyte logo

  15. Ultra

    [UNCODED] Sleek Red Index [UNCODED]

    Not hard to change if someone codes it. Would look nice in blue too. Here's how it would look in blue. If you'd rather code it in blue, you can use these images instead.
  16. Ultra

    [UNCODED] Sleek Red Index [UNCODED]

    The original one. This is the one I made after. I didn't add the text, if someone wants to code it, it'll make it easier with no text. For the people that want to code it.
  17. Ultra

    How to remove rat trophy from staff cata?

    Chocolate Mouse, I'm pretty sure.
  18. Ultra

    Habbo Image Pack

    Noob question, but where can I download a pack that contains every habbo image which is also updated?
  19. Ultra

    Request I need a logo

    Might wanna write what you want it to say.
  20. Ultra

    New Habbo clothes menu...

    Only hotel I've seen that had it was Jive, not sure if any other emulator has added it.