Since I am setting up a hotel soon, I will be searching for a banner to go alongside it.
What I am looking for:
510x100 Size
Logo (Example: http://playrise.net/web-gallery/images/v3/logo.png) but saying Legion
The list of features included:
24/7 Online - Groups - Bots - Friendly Staff...
I'm in grade 12, and I go to a catholic school. I have to wear uniform every single day which is kinda awesome because people can't judge you what you're wearing and such. I think it's also cool because you don't have to waste your time picking a outfit to wear.
I've opened the port (30001 and 30000) in firewall, but when I use http://www.canyouseeme.org/ it says connection timed out. How do I fix this? All help is appreciated! Thanks
I am making a v5 Habbo Retro and using Nillus server. Every time I start the server I am getting this error (http://prntscr.com/5b8btd) I have already set up the SQL, and installed Java SQL connector. I also configured the db file that was included in the server folder. Could somebody...