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  1. JynX

    [Illumina CMS] - CSS not working?

    Any errors in your developers console?
  2. JynX

    PlusEMU Catalog

    Sir, I'd like to explain this in better terms. He WAS using Release 2, but decided he didn't like it and went back to his old emulator that is not from the git whatsoever. Upon going back to his old emulator his catalog stopped working.
  3. JynX

    PlusEMU Groups

    Yeah, that's what I originally thought hence why I said to move it from /game/ to the root. :P
  4. JynX

    PlusEMU Groups

    Mind sharing the answer for future reference?
  5. JynX

    PlusEMU Groups

    Try moving your habbo-imaging from /game/ to the root of your website. Because it works if you go directly to it:
  6. JynX

    PlusEMU Groups

    Are your external variables linked correctly? I ask because you changed it to /game/ so if your habbo-imaging is in your game then you need to adjust the above rewrite rule.
  7. JynX

    PlusEMU Groups

    Did you add the rewrite rule to your web.config? <rule name="Habbo Imaging Group Badges"> <match url="^habbo-imaging/badge/([^/]+)" ignoreCase="false" /> <action type="Rewrite" url="/habbo-imaging/badge.php?badge={R:1}" appendQueryString="false" /> </rule> <rule name="Habbo Imaging...
  8. JynX

    Since your mum forgot you at the mall.

    Since your mum forgot you at the mall.
  9. JynX

    Devbest is a drug free environment

    Devbest is a drug free environment
  10. JynX

    How to update habbo Production to 2017

    Uhm, production won't effect your errors. There's also countless help threads and a few tutorials by Sledmore that can help you get started. There's also tons of released headers on the rival forum.
  11. JynX

    [SWF Cracked] I have RSA Keys

    With the above RSA keys?
  12. JynX

    George? Program? Haha, good joke pal.

    George? Program? Haha, good joke pal.
  13. JynX

    [SWF Cracked] I have RSA Keys

    Keys don't correspond with the revision.. These keys could go with almost any revision if you change the RSA key in the SWF with a program like HabBit.
  14. JynX

    Using FluxRP Emu

    Well, what's on CatalogItem.cs line 133?
  15. JynX


  16. JynX

    :( It's funny when he says the community is getting crappier but people can hardly update a...

    :( It's funny when he says the community is getting crappier but people can hardly update a revision so it really doesn't matter :/
  17. JynX

    Man that Calcium guy got pretty salty innit?

    Man that Calcium guy got pretty salty innit?
  18. JynX

    [HELP] butterfly emu

    Any errors in your EMU / developer's console?
  19. JynX

    Trade - Email Verified

    ALTER TABLE `users` ADD `email_verified` ENUM('0','1') DEFAULT '1'; SQL is a great thing to know, OR knowing how to use a database manager like Navicat :P
  20. JynX

    hotel under attack

    No, you would just need to change your MySQL port to something like 4585 and then in your config.php (revcms) make the host and then for your emulator just change the db.port=3306 to 4585 in this case. It's what I did to fix it and didn't have the issue afterwards so ye figured...