Search results

  1. Kristo

    Brownies or Cake?

    What about Brownie Cake? :O
  2. Kristo

    Picking a country to study in/move to

    Honestly. The work I am moving into (Website Development and Photography) allows me to really pick many destinations. I am stuck between so many different locations for so many different reasons. - Australia (Sydney) - United States (LA or NY) - Switzerland (Zürich) I don't want to see myself...
  3. Kristo

    Looking for suggestions on a new tablet..

    @Airz Honestly in my opinion something as basic and cheap as a Samsung Galaxy tablet would do the job. In my personal opinion I have had one for a long time and it functions as it should and I have never had any problems with it (Obviously not the same model as I have got new models etc to keep...
  4. Kristo

    [FREE REL] Maintenance Page

    Thanks for the release. Clean and Simple! Nice.
  5. Kristo

    Request Habbo Retro Banner

    Thanks for this, however Unity is no longer active.
  6. Kristo

    Recruiting [Paid] WordPress Plugin Developer

    @Jump Feel free to drop me a PM mate. I have HTML, PHP and CSS knowledge along with experience in WordPress development (Plugins and Design)
  7. Kristo

    Easter 2018 Furni (With Fixed Interactions and Sizing)

    Thank you for the release. Going to look into using this. I was trying to find it so you have helped me out a ton! Thanks!
  8. Kristo

    Snowstorm GUI (HTML, CSS)

    Great release. I might look into using this. Thanks so much :D
  9. Kristo

    Catalog Badges

    @antiny2010 Can you mark his answer as the 'Best Answer'. Annoys me if I ever look at help articles and can't find the correct response because it's not been marked.
  10. Kristo

    Request Hotel Banner - Habbo Graphics

    Hiya, I am looking to get an animated banner for my hotel. I am able to do this, however I am starting to get sick of my designs and rubbish ability and would like to try something different. If somebody is able to do it then I would be very happy. Details can be found below. Hotel Name - Nerd...
  11. Kristo

    Where was the last place you traveled?

    I am very jealous. Now I want some milk!
  12. Kristo

    Where was the last place you traveled?

    Sooo long ago :O
  13. Kristo

    Where was the last place you traveled?

    I am a curious person. Where was the last place you traveled? I just got back from New York recently.
  14. Kristo

    Feel free to add me on discord mate. My username is Kris#0692

    Feel free to add me on discord mate. My username is Kris#0692
  15. Kristo

    Request Habbo Graphic Design Needed

    Thank you :)
  16. Kristo

    Request Habbo Graphic Design Needed

    @Zachariah Thanks for the drape my man. I don't suppose you know anybody who can do badges as I am now mainly just looking for custom staff badges as mentioned in the post. If so could you possibly tag them :D @ZaneyRetros I have confused a couple of people with this name. It's definitely...
  17. Kristo

    Need help setting up a retro

    What Emu? What CMS? What do you want? Just saying 'I just want a setup' is not enough information.
  18. Kristo

    Need help setting up a retro

    Think you can provide more information? Nobody will really come forward unless they see some more information.
  19. Kristo

    Nerd Owner & Developer

    Nerd Owner & Developer
  20. Kristo

    Request Habbo Graphic Design Needed

    Hiya, Looking to get some graphics done for my hotel that will be shortly in development. I am looking for staff badges for the following ranks Trial Staff Moderator Administrator Manager Owner I am also looking for a hotel drape to be made with the hotels name on it. Hotel Name: Nerd...