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  1. E

    R63 Habbo SWF New Style - Fixed And Improved

    It's protected to my site. It wont work for you
  2. E

    (Releasing Soon)Tell me what you think?(Releasing Soon)

    Yeah, true. It's claiming your work is someone elses which is the biggest shitty move by someone. Ripping is never the issue ever :)
  3. E

    (Releasing Soon)Tell me what you think?(Releasing Soon)

    I know what's gone on. He's ripped my style off my hotel lmao.
  4. E

    (Releasing Soon)Tell me what you think?(Releasing Soon)

    Don't give me that shit haha. That ***** site doesn't have my me page on any layout. Also, you have my content boxes, and you have the side part with the credits and stuff. I made all that. Only thing I didn't make was the index and register but I never claimed to have. Yes, sure you have...
  5. E

    (Releasing Soon)Tell me what you think?(Releasing Soon)

    We all get them. It's obviously a rip though. Look at my php on the site. The stuff which are much harder to rip etc
  6. E

    (Releasing Soon)Tell me what you think?(Releasing Soon)

    This isn't his edit at all. It's just a rip from my hotel. My advertisement on here - My hotel link, It's just a shitty rip. Since i have room models, a good staff page, a better badgeshop etc requiring php...
  7. E

    (A) Phoenix (A)

    Tweaked it up, AKA, did nothing really. Re-release mate.
  8. E

    R63 Habbo SWF New Style - Fixed And Improved

    I'll try and get it
  9. E

    R63 Habbo SWF New Style - Fixed And Improved

    It's protected to my hotel im afraid :(
  10. E

    R63 Habbo SWF New Style - Fixed And Improved

    My big update on this is this,
  11. E

    R63 Habbo SWF New Style - Fixed And Improved

    Shit, i forgot i got rid off the download link. Hopefully someone can post a mirror
  12. E

    [REL] Wildwest Minecart [SWF//SQL]

    I thought kevin made this :) it's cool
  13. E

    [REL] Bot Maker v2 [REL]

    There is a massively better version bot maker out there. Search for it.
  14. E

    Looking for trustworthy retro website/webhosting editor

    Hmmm, i can help you. Add, jdrichardson1223, My hotel is, i also made the cms and everything for
  15. E


    Standard cms, nothing new. Thanks for the release, but i doubt many will find use for this.
  16. E

    Short Tutorial

    Never had this issue with my GTE
  17. E

    Am I doing something wrong???

    The cms you're using, should of came with a SQL, which is needed to register. You can add a the extra table called, rp.characters, and try your luck, or find the release and get the SQL
  18. E

    RevCMS not loading anything really

    The issue is there, "table r64b.cms_news doesn't exist" since the php can't find the table on your database, it brings the page up as an error. A normal phoenix database has this normally, but if you're using a different emulator, here's what to add into your database. P.S, You're on my hotel...
  19. E

    [RELEASE] Gold Tree Emulator

    Well, you didn't know us in the past buddy. We were easy gaining 50+ users lmao. Obviously not now since i don't do much.
  20. E

    [RELEASE] Gold Tree Emulator

    It's not really a nasty emulator. It's based on phoenix which is very stable. I used this with 50+ users and it was very stable. I know hotels with bigger user counts who do just fine. All the big hotels use r63, so it's not just a memory really.