Search results

  1. DrPhil

    (HABBOEMU) Adding Furni (HELP)

    Hi, when I try to add furni to my hotel like for example a seat you can’t sit on it and like tables etc would be walkable can someone help me please. Thanks
  2. DrPhil

    GoldFish CMS [Arcturus Morningstar, Laravel, Bootstrap4]

    Looks amazing nice job!
  3. DrPhil

    Braincms 1.9.1 simple edit

    Yes they look much better than the first ones you posted?
  4. DrPhil

    (HELP) Purse Size

    Hi i was wondering if someone could tell me how to make the purse box bigger Thanks.
  5. DrPhil

    [HELP] Client

    Hi is there anyway I can make the Duckets in the client say Unlimited, I’m using Arcturus EMU
  6. DrPhil


    Hi i have this problem that when i buy a pet from the catalog it doesnt show up in the inventory does anyone know why?
  7. DrPhil


    Hi I need some graphics designers as I am working on an RP and need room ads made, if you are interested please contact me on discord thanks. Conan#2816
  8. DrPhil

    Arcturus Emulator Catalog V1

    Might try it out soon, what cms would I use with this?
  9. DrPhil

    Arcturus Emulator Catalog V1

    Looks nice good release and goodluck with this in later updates :)
  10. DrPhil

    HELP Credits/Duckets

    ok thanks how do i make the duckets unlimited for every user in the db?
  11. DrPhil

    HELP Credits/Duckets

    Can you message me please or do you have discord?
  12. DrPhil

    HELP Credits/Duckets

    sorry about this haha so do i just do like 1000000000000000000000 whatever in the database 1555702890 and so instead of Session.SendMessage(new CreditBalanceComposer(int.Parse("Unlimited"))); for duckets would it be Session.SendMessage(new DucketBalanceComposer(int.Parse("Unlimited")));
  13. DrPhil

    HELP Credits/Duckets

    yh but is there away that i can make them Unlimited like on the client where the credits and stuff are make it say Unlimited?
  14. DrPhil

    HELP Credits/Duckets

    Hi I was wondering how to make the credits or duckets unlimited for everyone thanks
  15. DrPhil

    HabboEMU HELP

    Hi I was wondering if someone could help me with this. Pets cant be bought, it'll say name contained forbidden words Group badges not working either
  16. DrPhil

    Ads_Furniture, how does it work?

  17. DrPhil


    Hi I am using an RP EMU and CMS when i load the client it just keeps loading but the EMU says 1 online but doesn't come up any errors can somebody help me Thanks.
  18. DrPhil

    Ads_Furniture, how does it work?

    Do you mean like the room ad backgrounds?
  19. DrPhil


    Hi I am looking for a nice, sort of new RP theme can someone send me a link if they have one. Thanks
  20. DrPhil

    (HELP) Client (HELP)

    do you have discord?