After I've used the floor plan editor in Sledmore's Plus Emu, the room breaks and when I enter the room, it just shows the UI but no room. (black screen)
For ingame, I've seen retros where the staff team and VIPs get coloured usernames, and I'd like to do it to mine. Does anyone have the code to do it? Thanks.
I might be. Because RevCMS generate SSO as RevCMS-blahblahblah, I don't know what Uber use. It might be something to do with Plus Emu not supporting Uber's SSO?
I've been trying to find a fix for the Group Badges error, but it isn't working. I've set a htaccess rule, edited my external variables, but it isn't working.
My chrome developer's console is trying to read from /habbo-imaging/badge/thebadgecodehere, but the external vars are telling it to read...