I had a question,
I saw in rgzone that you could make an app for your HabboHotel.
So I wondered, does anyone still have these files?
Since I can not place links from other forums ...
Look for this at google:
HabboAir AIR63-201708251331-359388093 + Crack method
And it is the top one.
Thanks for your comment!
I added it, but if I say the enable, then I can not see it?
He will take it when I look into the console. (see the pictures)
Effectmap.xml: https://prnt.sc/jg1x91
Console: https://prnt.sc/jg1xlq
I am doing Custom Enables in my hotel, only I stick. The .SWF do I already have only how do I import it in the client that you do: enable 600 and see it?
For the people who want to know which emulator I use: Arcturus
I'm looking for the next emulator:
Cloud Server [Plus] but the links I've found are unfortunately dead .. Does anyone have 1, open source?
Send me a pm with your discord!
I will upload a video later in the evening / morning with a step-by-step explanation of how it should be done (up to date)
Hello reader,
I am looking for someone who can make one or more plugings for Arcturus Emulator.
Can you do Java? Put it here in the topic below or send me a PM!
Hope someone can and will help me. (possibly for a small fee)
Hello reader,
I am looking for someone who can make one or more plugings for Arcturus Emulator.
Can you do Java? Put it here in the topic below or send me a PM!
Hope someone can and will help me. (possibly for a small fee)
I have a question ... How do I make this in the client? :
That you can choose a gift in the client once a day (see photo)
Can you make this without doing in emu? (I use arcturus emu)
Hope someone can help me!
It's really about the basic things, so not to move the client through the ASE, for example.
it really concerns me to post the news and such small things to the site
It may also be for PlusEMU! But at least a HK for the RevCMS.
Thank you for the assistance!! Really appreciate it!
But after I have made it, does not it still work? ...
I can get 1 user from the database if you can test it?
Just a small question ...
Does anyone know a solution for this?:
I used BrainCMS and now RevCMS, only he does not pick up the passwords anymore ... He says wrong password while I type it 100% well ... (if you log in) But it has something to do with my hash ?? How it saves the passwords or...