Looks now much better then before!
I suggest to make a online counter on the website.
So everyone can see if it's worth it to place their website on the list.
You want people store all their Habbo files online so they don't lose it? This is one of the reason that data hijacking happens. Never store important files online.
One more thing you can try is to add a rule.
Go to your web.config and add this.
<rule name="Habbo Imaging Group Badges">
<match url="^habbo-imaging/badge/([^/]+)" ignoreCase="false" />
<action type="Rewrite" url="/habbo-imaging/badge.php?badge={R:1}"...
I advise you to look on some online library for Networking stuff.
This is a good method to learn it. I don't agree with school. How can a human being with a limited brain and limited capacity learn you everything? Why you want to go to school, if you can learn more on the internet then a...
Go to external_variables_override.txt
Look for:
Change it to:
Go to .htaccess
Put this there:
RewriteEngine On
Go to your external_variables.txt
Look for:
Change it to:
Delete your cache / webhistory and try now if the icons load.
Before opening a thread, look if someone in the past had the same issue and how he fixed it.
I have seen this problem alot times on other threads where they provide the solution.