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  1. yoyok

    Adobe Flash Player HUGE PROBLEM

    No, i deleted cache etc. Like I said, this problem have many others. You are wrong, Chrome have blocked 1% from Flash by default in their new update (Google Chrome 55?). But i think Habbo have changed something that it's now loading slow on 76%? I saw Habboon does not have this issue, how did...
  2. yoyok

    Adobe Flash Player HUGE PROBLEM

    Hi, Everyone knows that Google chrome, Edge and Firefox are gonna block Adobe Flash by default. Since today many client (also from big retro hotels) are slow. How is this possible? And anyone know how to fix this issue? It's slows down on 76%, normal it will load more faster to 100%. It's...
  3. yoyok

    [HELP] White page when swapping CMS [HELP]

    It's not updating the mysql / structure at the right way. Try: while ($items = mysql_fetch_assoc($getItems)) If it does not work, PM me your skype.
  4. yoyok

    [HELP] White page when swapping CMS [HELP]

    What is on line 42 in your alert file? Post it here, so we can see what is the problem
  5. yoyok

    [HELP] White page when swapping CMS [HELP]

    We can help you If you put this in your /me.php file. <?php ini_set('display_errors', 1); ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL); ?> Refresh the site, and post any errors here.
  6. yoyok

    Sit Command Bug

    Edited all Z-index from 0.35 to 0 in SitEvent.cs & SitCommand.cs User.Statusses.Add("sit", "1.0"); User.Z -= 0; User.isSitting = true; User.UpdateNeeded = true; Still the same issue, user is floating.
  7. yoyok

    Sit Command Bug

    @JMG It's a little bit 'flying' on my version. On your version it is a little bit lower.
  8. yoyok

    Sit Command Bug

    Hi, I'm update from @Sledmore swf/emulator to a newer production. But i have now one problem. When i'm using the command :sit i float. It need to sit down on the ground. Screenshot: I have looked now for 2 hours, but can't find a solution. Does anyone know what this problem is?
  9. yoyok

    Adding furni, PlusEMU blank boxes

    Check your furnidata, it needs to be under the right section. With graphic tags = R63B Without graphic tags = R63A (older habbo version)
  10. yoyok

    i can help you, what is your skype?

    i can help you, what is your skype?
  11. yoyok

    Hotel or RP command service

    Exactly! This is wat i mean.
  12. yoyok

    Hotel or RP command service

    Command :kickwars on - it gives everyone rights - even when new users enter the room. / :kickwars off disable the game kickwars and disable kick and no one have rights anymore. Emulator: for plusemu
  13. yoyok

    If you can code, yes. What is your skype?

    If you can code, yes. What is your skype?
  14. yoyok

    GoldtreeEmulator Converter (R63B)

    Yes i'm paying, if you can keep all my database. PM me for how much you want to do it with your Skype name.
  15. yoyok

    PM me your skype please, thanks!

    PM me your skype please, thanks!