You can't just "make" an swf. Swf's are all the images and .swf's used in the client. I think what you mean is decompiling the habbo.swf. To do that, you need an swf decompiler. Here you can change the logo on the loading screen, and all the images ingame. I'd take a custom habbo.swf, made on a...
Hey, here I am again,
My friend added some LTD rares, and since he did that, I can't update the catalogue anymore.
Error in packet [589] BODY: [0]:update_catalogue[0][0][0][0][0][0][0]/:
System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
Y'hellow Devbest,
I made a retro for a dear friend of mine, but I've got bit of a problem:
Everything works for me, after letting it load for a second or five. But other users keep complaining that they can't see the furniture in the catalogue.
Technical details;
- VPS hosted
- SWF's are...
I suggest keeping things on the forum or on skype. What you are doing is a violation of Devbest's rules (Section Advertising).
Small tip, make a bit of a better site, looks like shite to me.
Hey Strangirs,
I learned coding through (in my opinion) the best site on the web. Codecademy. It learns you to code HTML, Javascript, PHP and all that stuff.
Databases aren't so hard. The databases itself can easily be made with Navicat, Phpmyadmin, or as I prefer, Microsoft Acces. The part that...
Welcome to Devbest!
You need to go to http://localhost/ . You went to, which is a site, and not the site on you local machine.
I'd love to hear it if you have further questions,
Best XAMPP version? Wut? I think you mean what version. I use the last version of XAMPP and it works like a charm
Do you have any idea when you release V4? I'm really looking forward to it mate...
Sick! Will try, when my client work again, got a problem, but that's offtopic. Thx Westyy ;)
Took me the rest of the day to find out how. Didn't manage to fix it though. Any suggestions?