Sup man well im looking for good person that can code and thaats good at developing things some coders i met are to dumb and dont know shit please add me on skype jose.lane3 thanyou Like ASAP! :D :)
Actaully add me on skype i own a vps hosting site and i will gaddly like to provide you but, with 1 option you must everytime save each cms u made or code
Skybird Emulator doesn't show User online count in the CMS
So.. My CMS won't show how many users are online and It has to be either the Emulator itself or the database, also {online} doesn't work and it has been declared of course. It's Skybird Emulator.Or maybe I've missed something in...
First off im having issues With my Emulator Skybird and these are the issues.
1. Horse: After you drop it into you room you can't click it or pick it up.
2. Wired Furni a few of them you can't double click and set it.
3. Say your in a room and you want to go to the hotel view you click that logo...
Sorry but I treys a lot of bcstorm emulators and I'm talking about one issue when I buy a furni that goes on the wall when I put it on the wall it dosent go on the wall it goes back into my inventory is there a problem?
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i will pay 1.68 for the person that will give me a good catalogue that has custom furni like a facebook throne twitter throne skrillex customs and organized furni in the catalouge with no blank furni thank you i hope someone responds and has Intrest.