Changelog (7/8/2016):
Revolution Emulator:
Finished Database Table Structure for hotelview_promos
Finished Database Table Structure for flat_categories New Navigator packet handlers, Navigator still not finished though
Started working on Redis for Session Storage and Game Caching
Implemented a...
I'm aware that international hotels don't last very long because of patriotic reasons, unless separated into different hotels. Think about when Habbo merged hotels with, not a lot of people liked that because not a lot of people like English, Americans to be more specific.
I got to give it to you, your idiocy is pretty fucking hilarious yet annoying at the same time so let me ask you a question.
Since when was the word "version" synonymous to the word "build" in any given context? It's not.
Again, but I wouldn't expect you to understand what I'm trying to say...
You call yourself a "developer", yet lack basic problem-solution comprehension skills.
There is no version where passwords are being stored in plaintext. You do understand that a development process is in fact a process meaning password hashing wouldn't be there unless put there, throughout...
Oh my god, are you stupid? As long as I don't release a version using a plaintext to store passwords how is it any of your concern? Legit, you're making yourself look like an idiot facepalm.jpg
Come back later with a real argument eckostylez, stop making yourself look like less of a...
lol I didn't expect you to understand the difference between a development and a production build :D whatever.
If you're implying that you can crack a bcrypt encryption then I guess their passworrds aren't safe, not considering the fact that you'd have to get their hash + salt before doing...
The first sentence is incredibly accurate, I didn't feel like rebooting the server after adding bcrypt because I knew I should've used async Promises instead of sync.
And no, not just one portion of it, but the whole thing... but especially the HTTP framework, not just.
Why not Java? :cool:
Decided to go and try an Akka Actor-based messaging system to handle game logistics, GitHub will be updated later that'll be the 10day commit
glad you pointed that out with the SQL query, I made it like that because I was booting a previous build before bcrypt was added... now bcrypt is added, if you look a lil to your left
But when I said "secure" I was implicitly referring to the state of the HTTP framework