This is in the wrong section...
"Code a Custom CMS for hotel - [In near future]." -> This is already asking for a lot, are you planning on paying?
"Our own Hotel client - [Now or in the near future]." -> If you mean, recreating the Habbo client in whatever language you choose, this...
Nope, aren't you a Linux SysAdmin? And you're unfamiliar with the command "tail"?
No, you wouldn't have to poll if you used a desktop application because his OS has functions that can establish listeners that call back to a function after a certain file is updated.
PHP inotify is exactly...
Roleplay is more fun then GTA in my opinion. You get more creative freedom + the features can be endless. The whole point of an RP is to sandbox your own RP experience, not just go around killing people, developers just have yet to manifest ideas that make RPs more craft-based instead of waiting...