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  1. mikeyaquaangelo

    [HELP] Client loading issue

    Not exactly sure what is wrong with it, I will gladly post the client.php, main.ini etc upon request but it doesn't go past 76.. it was all fine until I took the rp off localhost then put it on a domain... :(
  2. mikeyaquaangelo

    Introduction Hi my name is!

    Hi my name is... sorry was about to start rappin. Hi my name is Mikey Angelo and I am a animeaholic.
  3. mikeyaquaangelo

    How do you connect a domain to a R63b retro?

    I already did that. :( I can't pm, this account is new currently.
  4. mikeyaquaangelo

    my accs new so can't pm ya, you on the discord chat?

    my accs new so can't pm ya, you on the discord chat?
  5. mikeyaquaangelo

    How do you connect a domain to a R63b retro?

    Hey I am sure I followed these steps and well, it links to localhost so what do i do ? :/