Hello Devbest!
So, I Own http://sleekhotel.com/ And I Was looking for Another Founder.
These are the Requirements :
Knows How to Code PHP *
Able to Provide a TCP Proxy *
14+ (Unless Very Mature) *
That's Basically All If you wish to Apply Either Reply to this Thread or Message me.
You can...
Well, I Have a VPS That Basically Comes out of mums Credit Card (She Knows/Not Bothered) Yes, I'm Able to deal with threats. The only Problem is that I'm 13.. Although my Maturity Level is high. If you could Provide a TCP Proxy I Can Provide the VPS. You can Contact me on Devbest or via Email (...
Hello Devbest!
Well This is my First Index, Not Much Just an Image Change I'm Still Learning the Basics and Hoping to Create my Own Skin for RevCMS!
Note: I'll Be Updating the Image for new Updates
Found this from Google: - is mysql running
- are you using the right port 3306 unless you changed it
- check if it's the right username and password I Don't know if it helps much, But if i find more. I'll get back to you
EDIT: Some people have had to Re-Install Navicat, But I'm Sure someone...
Is there a Thread anywhere about the new Voting api? my client one Isn't working with the new .api's So I Need to figure out Index Voting. How would i do this?
Edit: Also where do i edit the Logo? We need the images for the Skin.