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  1. Timothy

    EMU problems [R63B]

    Actually I have fixed the problem LOL
  2. Timothy


    Well considering I got Plus EMU to work with it when people said it didn't then yes. lol
  3. Timothy


    FIX FOR "SHOCK'S CLOSED" go into templates/tpl/generic-top.php and find PHP Code: if(getIP() != "" && getIP() != "" && getIP() != "" && getIP() != "") { echo 'Shock\'s closed'; exit; }
  4. Timothy

    [Revcms skin] Habbo's future look, Project Aura V2 [Developement]

    This reminds me of galaxy-hotel I like it lol
  5. Timothy

    EMU problems [R63B]

    I recently noticed that someone released "Shock's CMS" so i decided why not give it a try and so I did and its based off of Uber but i really dgaf. When i got everything set up the EMU worked perfectly and when I went on the client the EMU gave me a error, PIC: So I thought/concluded it was...
  6. Timothy


    Now when ever I try to enter in client the EMU comes up with a Critical error log.
  7. Timothy

    [HELP] Rooms aren't loading

    This might be a dumb question but, is gold tree anywhere incompatible with your new database? I don't know much about gold tree tbh. I would go back to your old database and if your (new) cms has some things like features ex. Badgeshop or something and your database (old) does not have the...
  8. Timothy

    Request Looking for a designer for badges

    Thank you. The reason I said it was useless is because why would you even give a rank to someone for designing some ugly ass badges, LOL. I'm not going to cause any arguments since this is for your hotel and I am not going to tell you how to run it. ;)facepalm.jpg
  9. Timothy

    Request Looking for a designer for badges

    -cough useless.:down: -cough cough cough cough cough
  10. Timothy

    Looking for trustworthy retro website/webhosting editor

    The fact that some people want money off of this is bullshit and I wouldn't have put it in their if I were u some people are just stubborn to want money. -_-
  11. Timothy

    [CODE] Change username [BUKKIT

    Yeah this is already put in, its /nick whateveryouwant when u download essentials plugin or something like that the /nick comes with it this command you have is technically useless.
  12. Timothy

    [RELEASE] Hubbo RevCMS Custom Design

    Cuz it is. DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN
  13. Timothy

    [RELEASE] Hubbo RevCMS Custom Design

    OH HELLL NAW. Was hoping u would release this ;D
  14. Timothy


  15. Timothy

    PC How to free up some ram

    they/we can if they/we want to. LOL
  16. Timothy

    PC How to free up some ram

    Well some of us cant afford good computers. -_-
  17. Timothy

    [PlusEMU] Ultralulz catalogue doesnt show for other players.

    .. Go through your catalog_pages their are some sections that have staff rankings which should be changed to the normal user rank and then it should work. -____-
  18. Timothy

    Enables Preview Page

    wow. <3 10/10