Search results

  1. westonallen0990

    Service RetrosList Banners [@theZymf]

    Hotel name; Vap Hotel Online users [Yes/No]: Yes Hotel Logo (Not important): Please make me one saying Vap Text on banner (Not important): Old-School-Customs-Hiring-Awesome Events Any extra information: Make on with a bunch of Habbos around a X-Mas tree
  2. westonallen0990


    I have Dlink and I really need help for a retro!
  3. westonallen0990

    Service RetroLists Banners & Logo [@Mega]

    Hotel name: Vap Hotel Hotel logo: Make one - same colour as Habbo Logo Banner background: (Premade/Custom) If custom tell me what situation, I will try my best to make you one. I want one with a christmas theme - a bunch of habbos around a xmas tree Text Info about Hotel...
  4. westonallen0990

    Can you make banners

    Can you make banners
  5. westonallen0990

    Making a Game (Opinions)

    Do an online game that has to do with Star Trek
  6. westonallen0990

    Rate the avatar above you

  7. westonallen0990

    New Avatar

  8. westonallen0990


  9. westonallen0990

    My New Signature

    Tell me what you think
  10. westonallen0990

    Please make me a banner: Hotel Name: Vap Online user count link to

    Please make me a banner: Hotel Name: Vap Online user count link to Hiring-OldSchool-Customs-JOIN TODAY!
  11. westonallen0990

    Service Making Banners and Logos

    Hotel Name Vap Hotel Type of logo Identical colour/style to Habbo Logo, except it will say Vap Theme of background Like the habbo banner, with the habbos in the background And Text on banner Old-School/Hiring/Customs/Daily Events/Join Now!
  12. westonallen0990

    check your email.

    check your email.
  13. westonallen0990

    [TUT] How To Portforward [TUT]

    Nice tut!
  14. westonallen0990

    Applicant Retro Staff

    AWESOME! When you sign-up what will you username be? Can you send me a picture of what the Vap Points logo will be? Thanks
  15. westonallen0990

    Applicant Retro Staff

    Yes, I will put credits on the homepage of Vap! Can you code the Vap Points?
  16. westonallen0990

    I can give you technician. Check your email.

    I can give you technician. Check your email.
  17. westonallen0990

    Rate the avatar above you

  18. westonallen0990

    Applicant Retro Staff

    @dan69er I will hire you for Vap, As the Technician. If you can add Vap Points (Thing like pixels), They will be used for buying rares, an LTDs. (If not PM me and we can talk)