7/10, I find the login page too dull. Try making another button for Registration instead of a hyperlink, and put it beside the login button. I also find the text above the login page too large, maybe you can put that quotation underneath the logo or somewhere else.
Check your config.php and see if the values intended for external variables and text are pointed out to the right directory. Then check if your external_variables and external_texts actually point out to an existing directory, too. Then check if the directory actually has the SWFs you need to...
What kind of tech do you need? Someone who would code and check if stuff works regardless of its looks (web coder) or someone who would put up the design on the CMS (web designer)?
Do you expect this to be done for free or you'll offer something in return of the service? What specific languages do you want us to code and what's the link to your retro?
You can browse through W3Schools, and as Kaz said, trial and error is what matters. You can try downloading pre-made themes/sites, then edit them and play around with the design... if you love messing and fixing, then that's the best way. :)
Adil has a point, why give your phone number when you can just give your BBM PIN? And.. the fact that once BlackBerry finished constructing all of the features, it'd be better than WhatsApp.
There shouldn't be www. in an IP.
## Hotel Link; To Stream Images
i can see that these don't exist. Do they? They might be the problem since the client could not find the images...