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  1. Barbie

    Coming soon to a store near you!

    Oh thank you haha, I'd have LOVED this message, you're too kind x
  2. Barbie

    [NOT-CODED] These customs were made a heck of a long time ago.

    I like the light green and pink Throne, pink and green are my fave colours, especially those shades, but it needs an outline, or at least to be shown against a darker background if it's supposed to have a pink outline haha. The rest are alright but I'm not a fan of recolours myself :3
  3. Barbie

    Skype - perfectionox

    Skype - perfectionox
  4. Barbie

    Introduction *Bows* Hello!

    Hopefully you'll stick around, not seen many girls staying long! :)
  5. Barbie

    Habbo: Recent changes for the best?

    I've had the watch and earn then when I checked yesterday, had it a few times. It just had a little pop up in the actual client window with a short video and then you click "Claim Prize" or something. I didn't get free credits though... Received a 'flies' effect thing, that weird glowing blue...
  6. Barbie

    Hi you're hot xoxo

    Hi you're hot xoxo
  7. Barbie

    Video fuck eminem, found a new rapper

    All I heard was "ecstasy" throughout that. He looks like a crack head.
  8. Barbie

    catalogue error

    You can't just rename a custom and expect it to work, you also have to change the name in the actual SWF by opening it in Hex editor and then replacing all the current names with the new name. Plus if it's a Throne or something it has to have 6 letters in the name, can't just change it to...
  9. Barbie

    catalogue error

    Do you know for a fact that this furni works? Like has it worked for other people?
  10. Barbie

    catalogue error

    Have you made sure you put the SWF in the right folder and added the line of furnidata in the furnidata.txt?
  11. Barbie

    Video Girl sucks and eats bloody tampon (her own)

    I have absolutely no idea what would drive a person to EVER do anything like this! Like, why would you even want that kind of attention? Obviously she's just going to get abuse off everyone on the Internet and everyone in school, her parents are probably going to hear about/see the video...
  12. Barbie

    Signs! :D

    Let me know if anyone would like one, doing them now xoxo
  13. Barbie

    Signs! :D

    I went through my old Hi :3 thread and saw the sign you made using Paint saying Lepos so I made you one too haha.
  14. Barbie

    Signs! :D

    Long names get a whole side of paper, shorter names get a piece of paper folded in half haha.
  15. Barbie

    Signs! :D

    In the UK if you have sex with someone under 16 and you're over 16, it's classified as rape. People under 16 aren't allowed to have sex. In America, if you have sex with someone under 18 and you're over 18, it's classified as rape. And no you never Legion, you were one of the last few to like...
  16. Barbie

    Signs! :D
  17. Barbie

    Signs! :D

    I asked you if you wanted one and you ignored me :( Beast yours is already there, you're not getting another one :)
  18. Barbie

    Signs! :D

    I'm 18 :p 16 is the legal age to have sex in my country. 18 is the legal age to distribute nude photos/videos on the Internet in my country. And Leviathan don't be so greedy ;)
  19. Barbie

    Signs! :D

    ohmygod I'm not Da Vinci you know, I can't draw for shit ;(
  20. Barbie

    Signs! :D

    Hi I don't sell my body.