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  1. Archaos

    Show DevBest Review my new login page

    It looks good.
  2. Archaos

    Logo for my project

    This idea seems great, would love to see this developed.
  3. Archaos

    Most Successful retro

    Probably because of the holiday that they were reaching that amount of users online.
  4. Archaos

    Creating RENDER based signatures

    Thanks for this.
  5. Archaos

    Introduction Charlie Porter

    Welcome to DevBest, Enjoy your stay here.
  6. Archaos

    Shop icon is unclickable.

    Even when I hover other the icon it does nothing.
  7. Archaos

    Favicon! ;D

    I agree, I have it my bookmarks and looks bland. Would highly recommend this aswell.
  8. Archaos

    Introduction Hai. I'm not new here, but I'm new here.

    Welcome Hayden, missed you around the forums. Hope you enjoy your stay!
  9. Archaos

    My cooking adventure

    You made me feel sooo hungry, nice scones!
  10. Archaos

    Creating RENDER based signatures

    The same as the batman one please, but with xChrome on it, thanks.
  11. Archaos

    Battlefield 3 Simulator

    It would be more than 5000$ more like £200,000+.
  12. Archaos

    Google Chrome Book!

    That isn't good.
  13. Archaos

    Post your desktop!

  14. Archaos

    [HELP] How do I get wireless onto Ubuntu

    Sorted this a while ago, thanks anyway.
  15. Archaos

    [REL] PhoniexMedia [PHP] (v.1)

    Damn bumpers, they tricked me.
  16. Archaos

    [REL] PhoniexMedia [PHP] (v.1)

    Link is down for demo site.
  17. Archaos

    [HELP] How do I get wireless onto Ubuntu

    I have recently installed Ubuntu and found that i couldn't get access to my wireless is their anyway around this? I have heard you need to connect to your router via ethernet cable.. but i don't know how, thanks in advance.
  18. Archaos

    What are you listening to now?

    My mum asking me to do the dishwasher.
  19. Archaos

    Me and my cousin at a Halloween party.

    Super scary outfit your wearing. ;P
  20. Archaos

    Habbo's Latest Index

    By the way you said this i even assumed you coded this from scratch, if this isn't yours then put the appropriate credits on.