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  1. Archaos Release | Mega Skin Package v1.1.0

    I've seen all the skins before and you seem to have created the site with Weebly which seems a fairly bit unprofessional compared to the other main-stream skin sharing sites. Good luck anyhow.
  2. Archaos

    Latest Updates of Minecraft

    The plugin API for Minecraft is currently in development.
  3. Archaos

    Latest Updates of Minecraft

    The maximum build height update was probably the best update from all of the pre-leases going into 1.2 so far, mainly because of the building restrictions I and basically all common minecrafters have had trouble with in the past when trying to make big builds.
  4. Archaos

    [SEARCHING] Looking for someone to teach me the basics of making a CMS [SEARCHING]

    It's really up to you, personally I would recommend this book but I'm not sure what others think. I'd have a go with some other sources then you can get the book at a later date to revert to if you need a little help. EDIT: I prefer reading off a piece of paper than to a computer screen, it's...
  5. Archaos

    [SEARCHING] Looking for someone to teach me the basics of making a CMS [SEARCHING]

    This is what I have ordered, it's quite informative and easy to understand:
  6. Archaos

    [SEARCHING] Looking for someone to teach me the basics of making a CMS [SEARCHING]

    Thenewboston's Youtube videos were created by the phpacademy who also feature on Youtube, check them out if you want to learn some more also. P.S: Someone move the thread to Coder's Paradise.
  7. Archaos

    What are you listening to now?

  8. Archaos

    [Discussion] Things That Make You Rage! [Discussion]

    When you speak the truth and someone doesn't believe you. Tr0lls.
  9. Archaos

    [Discussion] Things That Make You Rage! [Discussion]

    When people think they are just so amazing when they are really not. Arrogance. Playing FIFA 12 for a few hours always makes me rage some way or another.
  10. Archaos

    Server Essential Plugins - All In One!

    That'll be good, I'm assuming these are all updated to 1.1-R4 by now.
  11. Archaos

    Server Essential Plugins - All In One!

    Mind telling us what versions these are compatible with so that you aren't messing up their servers (assuming these are for Bukkit here). If you do require a full list of plugins and modifications for the latest versions of Bukkit or other server's then you can visit
  12. Archaos

    Free Minecraft Support

    Surely they could post a thread asking for help themselves allowing other people to help them rather than getting a single person's support and opinion, I guess it's an okay idea though?
  13. Archaos

    Devbest Fapping BG

    It's looking nice.
  14. Archaos

    2012 movies

    Yes, he is. :D
  15. Archaos

    2012 movies

    The Expendables II, American Reunion & The Avengers.
  16. Archaos

    Making A Minecraft RP Server for 1.1

    I'm pretty sure the development section is for plugin and mod developments not for private server developments.
  17. Archaos

    Do the Illuminati Exist?

    That's what I'm saying, it's always linked to celebrities but it actually really has nothing to do with them. We will never know if some celebrities are members of the Illuminati or not.
  18. Archaos

    Do the Illuminati Exist?

    YouTube isn't the best place to get your information, and it really has nothing to do with celebrities themselves, although we really won't know. All I know is that they are real, in the town where I live they have meetings in this building which has a Illuminati sign engraved into a window.
  19. Archaos

    First Graphic Attempt

    That's nice? Give constructive feedback rather than a one word flame, haha. The images aren't the best although they could be improved a bit, I don't like the shadow effect you added perhaps lower the opacity and see how it looks? The first one has to be the worst due to the fact that the...
  20. Archaos

    Making Banners

    I wouldn't mind one saying xChrome, thanks.