Don't think can i is a good phrase personally and I don't get many asking for staff etc.
But I like the idea. It would be good if used for a sort of filter. Although I haven't really got many advertisers of other Minecraft servers I imagine that bigger servers would. This would be great for...
Personally I suggest Lijit. They contacted me personally about my site so they don't care about retros. There ads are also more professional none of this sex shit.
Only downside is sometime they load a bit slow but eh. Its only the ads loading slow :P
I ran Addynamo for awhile. I reported a few ads that I was getting to Addynamo. They're actual the shittest company they don't care as long as they are getting money.
Rasta should check out or
I have had a few complaints about when users are being asked to vote seeing the voting page and instead of being able to vote being redirected to sites like this
(This was screen shotted by a user who loaded the vote page on his iPhone)
Just wondering has anyone else experienced this...
If you don't wanna pay for it create your own shit. The only reason Aaron continues Phoenix development is because he gets paid. Hell I sure wouldn't work for such a demanding community made up of little kids that just want horses and R63B for free.
Half of you need to learn that things in...
Google the facts before you start jumping to conclusions.
Now that much isn't going to change from then to now. Sure they may not have as many users as they did but that's not because its bad.
A few things
-Kids aren't as interested in places like Habbo anymore. They can chat with friends...
Change to UK? Isn't that something to do with date_default_timezone_set('UK OR WHATEVER HERE');
Just to put my point across. Sulake taking out developers and retros is in the end going to fuck them over worse in my opinion. Reasons -
We start to move offshore, Get smarter about hiding.
The release of stuff. I'm sure a lot of developers including Aaron would release there emulators...
Lolllll aaron didn't get lucky. Im sure if you coded a emulator that was better than Phoenix you'd get "lucky" too. Uber and Snowlight are different. Completely different.
Anyway I was looking forward to snowlight but it kinda died. Guess it kinda shows that Phoenix is all we have really.
Github is for open source developments... Thus meaning copyright wouldn't count right?
I believe the idea of a virtual hotel or virtual world will be taken. I can see quite a few legal troubles with this arising for being to similar to Habbo not to mention the fact that its going to take years...
Isn't the idea behind Habbo kinda copyrighted? I dont think you can like... Just copy them? Might be wrong.
I suggest thinking of more unique features. Interesting though
The topic of this is "Most successful retro" Its not your opinion on what is successful and what isn't... and its not comparing to Habbo as Habbo isn't a RETRO.
There obviously is a more successful retro than everyone, But it changes at all times. So instead of saying 'no retro is successful...
I love Spotify xD Best thing ever. Its not really available in my country but got a download of it and then bought premium account with a US paypal. Best thing evaaar!
If Sulake was smart they'd have the Phoenix license server shutdown and stop pretty much all retros in there tracks. Although I know people have got fake letters I have yet to see other retro owners recently get letters. Ive only once got a take down notice which was obviously fake (Shit...