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  1. FarLock

    Feedback [POLL] Do you like my banner?

    I just want to let you know you can download Volter for free (both original and bold) on Habborator. Also, they are nice. Except removing the white fill on the texts and making it transparent.. And, the button isn't that Habboish.. I know you tried to mimic the 'New to Habbo? Join now for free'...
  2. FarLock

    Revolution Emulator [C#, R63B, Encryption Cracked, DAO, Fluent NHibernate, Lua Plugin, Mono]

    Why RevEMU and not PhoenixEMU? It is free and open-source, edit it to your liking or install plugins appropriate for your needs. It is more advanced than Phoenix. Working on it is just like hopping to Phoenix 4.0, and lot better. Supports multiple database, doesn't rely on one type. It is coded...
  3. FarLock

    RevCMS 3.0 [PHP, MVC, Multi-Support]

    That is just so sexy Kryptos. Would sexily fit once RevEMU is released. :)
  4. FarLock

    personal message

    Alright. Believe what you believe Nike. But I am just sure you need Posting Freak and not 200 posts.
  5. FarLock

    RevCMS 3.0 [PHP, MVC, Multi-Support]

    That'll be much hassle in my opinion. For: You can simply make the item duplicated on staff catalogue and make the amount 1 instead of being bulked. More unnecessary queries would run by gifting using housekeeping. Users who have checked their inventory already before the gift being sent will...
  6. FarLock

    RevCMS 3.0 [PHP, MVC, Multi-Support]

    Own web-build would be good, less bandwidth for Habbo and more power on caching.. as Habbo loads slow for me, I expect the images too would be.
  7. FarLock

    Habbo Theme - Infobar

    Does this follows you when you scroll down? Or it just stays above the page.
  8. FarLock

    [TUT] How to make a RevCMS Habbo Retro [TUT]

    Screenshots can be considered as visual aids for tutorials. This helps alot of newbies in setting up a RevCMS Habbo Retro. I don't like the way you react.
  9. FarLock

    personal message

    You're welcome. Also, do not try to reach 500 - 600 posts by spamming. Post senseful posts only, and on topic as well. And one more thing.. it is permanently unlocked once you reach Posting Freak.
  10. FarLock

    personal message

    500 - 600 posts to reach Posting Freak then you'll get unlock the Custom Title. Or, buy a subscription and get it unlocked.
  11. FarLock

    [Help] Link to client

    facepalm.jpg Go to thehabbos_api/types/client.php <-- edit that file, and then do Ctrl + H, on first field type client.php on second field type client. Now after voting your API should redirect to client without having to show 404 error. If that's what you mean.
  12. FarLock

    RevCMS 3.0 [PHP, MVC, Multi-Support]

    Also, they are more focused on securing their user's sake right now.. however no one knows if someone from Sulake is already watching each development thread over here, but still more power Revolution Team and hoping for the best. 10/10.
  13. FarLock

    RevCMS 3.0 [PHP, MVC, Multi-Support]

    If Kryptos is only developing a CMS and Zak said "come at me sulake" when he is developing an emulator along with other people... why would they kill him for copyright? Whoever made Holo was never sued for doing the figure maker / changer? :P
  14. FarLock

    This might sound a little stupid but...

    You're crazy to do that. And lazy too... and the answers were given already. :)
  15. FarLock

    RevCMS 3.0 [PHP, MVC, Multi-Support]

    I do understand. You can your original account and the target user without having to change your original session ID. However the idea of re-authentication is a bit pain.. if you want to quickly jump over the user's account.
  16. FarLock

    New computer!

    Nice specs. :eek: That's pretty expensive in our currency. US$ 699.99 = 29 707.168 Philippine pesos
  17. FarLock

    [TUT] Set up a R63 Hotel using Phoenix

    On the config.php, simply edit the MySQL configuration part.
  18. FarLock

    I cannot access ase (All seeing eye)

    Re-login after ranking yourself.
  19. FarLock

    Happy Birthday Bic Boi!!

    Though late, still Happy Birthday RastaLulz. Maybe it's 23 on your time now? :)