@Rasta Yes, they work to get to the top, but if they have a dedicated community they will continue to get there. But most of them just go dead quickly because they don't keep there users which is a factor as to owning a successful hotel.
I think every month you should reset all the hotel votes to 0. This will not only give new hotels a chance it will help with the hotels that you click on just to voting pages with no hotel or to hotels that don't work. Maybe it should be a 2 week reset.
Well I hope you'll consider it.
This is only a application system and it's not even themed to what your trying to aim it to. So in all honesty all you did was code a simple application system and called it this. The title should be called "Application System" If you try to make one in the future try to aim it to what your...
Agreed, it is easy to find on the web this is just here for reference. Oh an example, this could be a good reference for you: http://www.dailygrammar.com/
Your point? He's sharing the code, so of course he's going to copy & paste it. Why waste his time coding it all over again when it's already done for him? he's simply sharing. Sway is right all you do is troll, be more positive.
@astroids if you don't spend much time on php don't comment on it :)
Oh well honesty that was a dick reply so I will reply. ;)
I simply said it was pathetic and pointless to reply to it meaning I don't think it's worth it, like a forum is to discuss things it's also to share your thoughts which is implied in the whole discussion thing and I shared that I...
My point exactly, you shouldn't waste your time laughing at him or even giving him the time of day. In all honesty he doesn't care, he said it and ran so let it be.
I think it's quite pathetic you pay him any attention. With all due respect he's just some noob trying to be e-hard, if he can't spell or use proper grammar then I truly doubt he can hack. If he does attempt with his "Nifty" ddos tool (which isn't hacking at all) let him go for it!
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