Um.. Looks like you just ripped the headers from Louis's CMS.. :L, He's been using those headers for the longest.
Wait.. The whole thing looks like his CMS.. -confused
Err, that statement is invalid. They are free to use it with the owners permission.
ot; You've showed no previous work, so how will we know how valid your coding is? Better yet your design.
Just use the client from Phoenix, even though I believe the client worked for me? :confused:
The exploits aren't patched from Phoenix, so you can do that yourself part of the reason I released it. :L
Hello, this is a myCMS // Phoenix edit.
*Black Design
*new forum
*Web Shop
Credits go out to Mankey & Kenneth (Myself)
CMS Download:
DB Download:
Any problems? Just pm...
So it keeps giving me
500 - Internal server error.
There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.
The directory viewing is enabled.. So I'm not sure what It is. any ideas?
Sorry guys, I was away being my laptop broke. I will continue this service, but you have to re-post if you still want your banner being It's been awhile.