Search results

  1. zMagenta

    Rate the avatar above you

    4/10, common.
  2. zMagenta

    {Help] IIS 7.5 not installed properly?

    Are there any files in your root? If there is, why not try re-installing? Just un-install via roles on your server and then re-install via roles again!
  3. zMagenta

    Ylvis - The Fox

    Growing rapidly, worth a watch aha.
  4. zMagenta

    9/11 Tribute

    Even if it was an inside job (not stating whether it was or wasn't), but I still respect the people who died within the events.
  5. zMagenta

    9/11 Tribute

  6. zMagenta

    [Help] R63b Group Badges Not Showing

    Right, firstly, download habbo-imaging folder (place in root) for the images. (Password: fidelcastro) Now, if on Xampp open '.htaccess' in the root (htdocs) or if on IIS, open 'web.config' in the root (wwwroot) and add this to the bottom: RewriteRule ^habbo-imaging/badge/([^/]+)...
  7. zMagenta

    Martin Luther King: Good or Bad?

    There's two sides to this, like there is every debate. Firstly, Martin (what I shall call him) had a public profile and a private profile. In the public eye (without media), you'd think he was a decent and honest man, looking out for people etc. But then in his private profile, he did have...
  8. zMagenta

    Rate the signature above you.

    6/10. Needs more fire!
  9. zMagenta

    Post your desktop!

  10. zMagenta

    I need a Otaku account

    Why aren't you using the newest edit of 3.11? No need for a license..
  11. zMagenta


    What's the exact error? (Any exceptions etc?)
  12. zMagenta

    Horse Saddle = DC - Swift EMU

    Optimism the `users` table and run this query. SET @@global.sql_mode = '';
  13. zMagenta

    [HELP] Need help linking website to domain [HELP

    I advise you go with CloudFlare ( Simple to use! Register, enter your domain, change nameservers and add the IP, and voila! (Always open for a PM if you struggle, I advise to have a go on your own first!)
  14. zMagenta


    Are you using a TCP proxy? If so, I had a post explaining what to do.
  15. zMagenta

    Need Helping Fixing Housekeeping(ase)

    Download Helicon APE for the whole IIS Server. ( Then go to {url}/ase/login - Make sure you keep the /login!
  16. zMagenta

    [HELP]Looking for RP CMS[HELP]

    I've used ZoidRP, it's in the below.
  17. zMagenta

    SOLVED. Staff Chat available for users with rank 2 and higher [Phoenix 3.11.0]

    send_sa and recieve_sa for the rank wanting to have it.
  18. zMagenta

    Logo won't change?

    Just purge your cloudflare cache..?
  19. zMagenta

    What subscriptions/account upgrades changes do you want to see?

    Not sure whether this is part of the question, but I think there should be a higher usergroup for 1000+/1500+ posts just because I don't feel that the members whom have posted 2000 times compared to a member whos posted 550 times, should get the same perms? In relation to subscriptions...