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  1. Deion

    <Error> Help!

    Trolling? Why would you black out the link? It's probably the /404 page that you're on.
  2. Deion

    Friend can't join my hotel?

    You must not be that bright; You just posted your password to your hotel.. lol and you're using cracked phoenix. You will get no support.
  3. Deion

    MSN Verified?

    He'd alone have to continuously rank people, which I'd doubt he'd do. Everytime someone wants the rank; they go register on msn, then calling his name all day.
  4. Deion

    MSN Verified?

    So everyone could have a free subscription forever? I don't think so. Not a bright idea.
  5. Deion

    Show DevBest [REL] Codzter - V1 Webbrowser

    Guess they aren't that similar, due to him having tabs. Nice job, could use more add-ons though.
  6. Deion

    Show DevBest [REL] Codzter - V1 Webbrowser

    Looks simple, just as LanceBroswer which Vineen posted.
  7. Deion

    Habbo ranks help. (No fix)

    I'd have someone possibly make custom badges for the ranks. Here's someone; Whenever he's active again.
  8. Deion

    Staff Catalogue Problem

    You have to set every single page that's in the administrator catalogue to their min_ranks, hope you know that. Not just setting the main page. So that means going manual to all the sub pages and setting them to the rank.
  9. Deion

    Habbo ranks help. (No fix)

    Eh, not sure really. Let's say this staying simple. Owner - 8 Hotel manager - 7 Admin - 6 Head mod - 5 Mod - 4 Helper/ Idk/ HabboX - 3 VIP - 2 User -1
  10. Deion

    Staff Catalogue Problem

    Like said to your friend, reload the emulator, if that doesn't work then there's something else you may have to do too.
  11. Deion

    <Client Staff Cata> Help !

    Try reloading your emulator, if that doesn't work then you didn't set the catalogue correct.
  12. Deion

    [HELP] People can't access my retro

    Posting on something when you don't even know the answer is just spamming for the count. You're telling him and his friend to restart their internet and saying my resolution doesn't work. You can't go around doing that or it'd lead them to not try before they see if it actually works or not. If...
  13. Deion

    [HELP] People can't access my retro

    It blocks incoming connections from everything unless you allow it, it does have to do with it as you see it worked. Don't comment if you really don't know how to fix it.
  14. Deion


  15. Deion

    [HELP] People can't access my retro

    It has to be your firewall, try turning it off. OFT: Hai, LoneZZ. Remember you from xat along time ago.
  16. Deion

    D0WNF4LL Catalogue V9

    You may need to reload your emulator if you catalogue isn't changing.
  17. Deion

    CMS Help. (REV Cms // Phoenix 1.8.3 Cracked)

    Post more information on what happens.
  18. Deion

    Can i use gordon swfs with swiftcms?

    You could use any swfs with anything, it would involve you having to set them up though.
  19. Deion

    Emu besides Phoenix?

    HabboLatio/Butterfly w/ fixes, of course you'd have to learn something to use it.
  20. Deion

    Image List Of Funny Pictures

    Some are fine, but I wouldn't consider any one of them funny. Not what I expected when clicked on this thread.