Check you ports;
Make sure your client.php has the same ports as your emulator's config port.
I'd teamviewer but sadly, I can't. It's expired and I don't feel as to reinstalling it.
They have been updated now, they weren't as soon as thrkorsion came out which cause servers that updated to deny the plugins because they would be outdated compared to the server. That explains why factions weren't working when you went on, they had the outdated version because the developer...
As they updated the servers, the plugins also needed updated by the developers which could cause time. They've probably been lacking plugins within the time they switched and decided to just stop waiting and give up.
It's something to do with your ports;
Check if your Port in the client.php is the same as you emulator's.
If using legit Phoenix, make sure you changed the configuration on your OS account.